about me &
I locate my work at the intersection of gender & diversity as well as privileges & discrimination in connection with tech: I am head of the Diversity & Equal Opportunities Office of the Executive Vice President for Talent Management and Diversity, Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus, at the Technical University of Munich. Here, I conceptualize and implement strategic activities to develop the EU's #1 academic institution into an even more diverse and inclusive university and employer. In addition, I investigate the mutual influence of technology and society in relation to gender, and specifically deal with privileges and discrimination in connection with Artificial Intelligence. I give talks, keynotes and presentations, lead workshops, lectures and seminars, sit on and moderate panel discussions, and give interviews. I completed my PhD in Gender Studies in Engineering & Science at TUM, during which I was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley in the USA.
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Whether you work in a corporation, in a start-up or an agency; in business, in politics or in an academic setting; in a leading position, as a team member or self-employed – diversity matters concern all of us. Only when we know what's happening in the world is when we can really initiate change. I'm excited to share with you 7 diversity-equity-inclusion related news in the respective language they are published in (English or German). They are online articles, research papers or academic publications, political or non-governmental reports and practical tools plus occasionally audio(-visual) media. Simply drop your e-mail address and you'll receive them in a short and snackable way in your inbox!
INTerviews &
"TikTok-Trend #womeninmalefields: Feminismus, Humor, Popkultur?" | ZDFheute
"Wenn Gendern Dein Beruf ist" | MyGiulia
"Female Participation is of Vital Importance" | TUM Community
Book chapter "Artificial Intelligence diversity bias" in "The Digital and AI Coaches' Handbook – The Complete Guide to the Use of Online, AI, and Technology in Coaching" | Routledge
Peer-reviewed article "Perceived gendered expectations: a challenge for Generation Z women" | Feminist Media Studies
Peer-reviewed article "Perceptions of the Self Versus One’s Own Social Group: (Mis)conceptions of Older Women’s Interest in and Competence With Technology" | Frontiers in Psychology
Research article "The Impact of the Relationship and Family Status in Retirement Age on Women’s Incorporation of Technical Devices in Their Everyday Life" | Springer Nature
PhD thesis "Women and Technology: How Far Have We Come in the Digital Age? Women's Perceptions of Gendered Technology Stereotypes"
previous Speaking
Corporate: Allianz, Allianz Technology, AON, IT4IPM, JobTeaser, Microsoft, Oracle, Transnet
Public sector: Atlantische Akademie, Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation, Bundes-wehr, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Euro-pean Southern Observatory, Stadt Köln, Technical University of Munich, Women's Leadership Symposium, ZDFheute, ZDFlogo
Non-profit: DEGEMED, Human Capital Club, LeanIn Circle Konstanz, Munich Postdoc Network, Rotaract
Conferences: Austrian Association for American Studies, Big & Growing New Work Festival, CO3 Corporate Content Conference, EMBL Science & Society, Falling Walls, Gender STEM, herCareer, Human-Computer-Interaction, Medical Imaging with Deep Learning Conference, M Stories, TUM Entrepreneurship Day, Women in Data Science